Patronal Feast Day at Otrada
February 4, 2023
Despite sub-freezing temperatures, ARAA-Otrada members and friends of the organization gathered to commemorate our Patroness - the "Otrada" icon of the most Holy Theotokos. We were honored and blessed to have his Emminence Metropolitan Nicholas join us for Liturgy in our humble Chapel. Afterwards, all were invited to our Belosselsky Hall for a wonderful meal arranged by our Ladies Committee.
May She continue to protect us all!
Maselitsa Blini Banquet
February 17, 2023
With the approach of Great Lent, a traditional Blini Banquet was held in the ARAA-Otrada Belosselsky Hall. Attendees were entertained by The Gypsy Boulevard Group and the world ranked Professional Ballroom Dancers - Misha & Anya. Blini with all the fixings were prepared by our members and all proceeds benefited the Youth Outreach programs.
Kulich & Egg Decorating for Pascha
April 8, 2023
In anticipation of the Feast of Feasts (Pascha), ARAA-Otrada held a Kulich and Egg decorating event. Our youth gathered to decorate eggs using traditional methods and kulichi which they took home in their own baskets.
A joyful Pascha to all! XB- BB!
St Elizabeth Rummage Sale
April 28-29, and Oct 13-15, 2023
The members of ARAA-Otrada held two Rummage Sales to collect funds for the charitable work of the St Elizabeth Fund; check our Charity page to see how these funds are put to work to help those less fortunate.
Thank you to all the volunteers, donors, and of course those who came out to support us!